Friday, September 24, 2004

Googoosh and “Sleep” of Salvador Dali


When I listened to Googoosh’s song the “otaghehman”, I was no longer this multi-cellular man who is so much involved in his life that he does not have time even for himself. To me, Googoosh has provided us with a type of music that touches the cords of the heart and gives a feeling of freedom by making our busy life schedule less important. Some of her songs that I personally enjoy are “Mordab”, “QQ-bang bang”, “Pol”, “Do Panjareh”…; to listen to “otaghehman” click here:
In this song, “otaghehman”, her music besides performing as a relaxant also presents the picture of the different places which they all have very reach cultural background. In her opinion, having the opportunity to live in any of these beautiful places, none could be a proper replacement for her mother land.

What brought my attention to this song was her comparison of the night life in the city of Paris and the resulting sleeplessness for participants, with one of Salvador Dali’s most famous paintings, “Sleep”. Since I really respect Dali, and his painting style, “Surrealism”, I decided to tell you what I think about the “Sleep” of Dali.


First let me tell you briefly, who is Dali?

He was born in 1904, in Spain. Since he was a child, his strange behavior made it very difficult for other people to understand him. He started painting as he got older. His paints represent his dreams, sometimes scary and unreal. His thoughts and style, never allowed him to finish the art school, but, he continued to paint, and his style became known as Surrealism. Dali drew everyday items, but changed them in odd ways. The “melting clock” from one of his pieces, “Memory”, is an example of his unique view of life.


In my opinion, Salvador Dali’s Sleep, gives us the strength to look at our lives differently and our attitude towards it. The scenario of our everyday life, at least for most of us, may embrace too many concerns. Hence, our tired and restless body may block our mind to focus on the beauties surrounded us.

At the end, I would like to bring you some of Dali’s personal quotes.


"Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing."
"Every morning when I wake up, I experience an exquisite joy — the joy of being Salvador Dalí — and I ask myself in rapture, ‘What wonderful things this Salvador Dalí is going to accomplish today?’" — Salvador Felipe Jacinto Dalí

Alireza B.

September 23, 2004