Salam be hame, As you all know this Sunday at 11 a.m we are having our first bbq at the Stratchcona Park on the Ridue river side. I'm asking those who want to participate to register their names in comments section of this message so we can have an idea of how many people are coming as soon as possible. (If you are bringing some guests please let us know how many people are coming with you) Ali Bakhshi and I are going to prepare some food (hot dogs and bbq stuff) for Sunday and we need to know how much food we should buy. For those who care about hallal meat I should say I'm buying hallal hotdogs from a Muslim store so don't worry :) There are other stuff such as drinks and chips or/and sweets maybe some corns or/and watermelon that we can add but we need your help. If anybody is willing to help please mention that in the comments section with your name and a number where we can reach you. Hope to see everybody there,
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