Wednesday, August 11, 2004

The meeting of the Ottawa Iranian Engineers Association

This massage is for Iranian Engineers in Ottawa

It is my pleasure to invite you to the next meeting of the association.

Please invite other Iranian Engineers to join us for this very important meeting.

i. Please forward this massage to other Iranian Engineers.
ii. Please find the draft constitution and suggestions of Mr. Khodabandeh (From Toronto Mohandes association) in files section of egroup before the meeting
iii. Please send your comments to the e-group.
iv. If you have not joined egroup yet, please ask Mr. Vahid Garusi (

Meeting Schedule
Subject: Constitution and Future Programs
Place: room 5084 SITE. This is theconference room in the School of Information and TechnologyEngineering (SITE), University of Ottawa. For a map click here

Time: Tuesday August 17th, at 6:00 p.m. Announced for: Interested Iranian engineers in Ottawa
1.Discussion about Moandes Association suggestions;

3.Preparing Schedule for the Associations Future Programs.
Kind regards,

Behnam Shadravan
On Behalf of the Ottawa Iranian Engineers Association (Mohandesan)