نمايش فيلم خانه ما
Khaneh Ma: These Places We Call Home examines questions of cultural identity by presenting three generations of Iranians, divided on three continents and reunited on one journey. The film begins with the director's return to Iran, her country of cultural origin, where she becomes reacquainted with family she has not seen in over ten years, and rediscovers a culture that has remained a quiet yet ever-present part of her life in Canada. As the journey unfolds, we uncover rarely seen aspects of Iranian culture, as experienced by the director, while witnessing firsthand the process of leaving an old culture behind and the journey into a new one.
Where: Alumni Auditorium
When: Sunday Nov. 12th
What Time: 6:00pm (doors open at 5:30pm)
Cost: $5 for Students*/Seniors, and $7 for Adults;
* We are working to get a reduced price for ISAUO's Members
When: Sunday Nov. 12th
What Time: 6:00pm (doors open at 5:30pm)
Cost: $5 for Students*/Seniors, and $7 for Adults;
* We are working to get a reduced price for ISAUO's Members